Friends Across the Ocean

Today Mrs. Hession’s Fourth Graders had the opportunity to test drive the brand new video conferencing system in our Library Media Center. The system allows participants to communicate with other schools, authors, scientists and experts from around the world as if they were in the room with us. Students can speak naturally from their seats and two motorized cameras focus on the speaker for a personalized experience.

Our students met their new fourth grade friends from the TG Glover Primary School in the Bahamas and exchanged questions about culture, climate and even recess activities. Both classes are learning how to use code to create games, projects and stories and they had the opportunity to ask each other questions about their progress. The call ended with a surprise appearance from Dr. Karen St. Cyr from the Ministry of Education of the Bahamas who visited us in the fall. A huge thank you to Discovery Education for helping our two schools find each other. We look forward to our continued friendship and collaboration.